Total Medals Earned: 1,211 (From 220 different games.) Total Medal Score: 15,950 Points
Medals Earned: 1/20 (25/500 points)
Get this Room
Get this Page
get this picture
Find this Dragon Ball Character
Find the Superman 75th Party
Find this Image
find this picture
Find this Picture
find the Thundercats Parody
Find Wonderwoman
Find this Imae
find this image
Find this image
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/25 points)
He is now happy
Wup argh wup
"Fresh" air, yeah
Is done
Hi Mario
Medals Earned: 2/22 (10/500 points)
Find coal.
Enter Utopia.
Give John some money.
Find iron.
Get some sand.
Give Dave some money for his project.
Help building the steammachine.
Find gold.
Make the steammachine work.
Find wolfram.
Find diamond.
Give George some smaragds.
Give Dave some sand.
Find ruby.
Give George some wolfram.
Find smaragd.
Get the COre.
Give Jamie some rubies.
Finish the game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 10/29 (55/450 points)
Achieve Silver rank or higher on any act.
Complete Act 1 to any standard.
Complete Act 2 to any standard.
Complete Act 3 to any standard.
Complete Act 4 to any standard.
Complete Act 5 to any standard.
Run a total of 1,500m
Complete any stage without dying.
Complete the tutorial to any standard.
Achieve Gold rank or higher on any act.
Complete Act 6 to any standard.
Complete Act 7 to any standard.
Complete Act 8 to any standard.
Get blown away while hanging on to a ledge.
Land on a ramp hard enough to kill yourself.
Complete 22 stages.
Use an orange block to survive a hard fall.
Collect 3 hidden stars.
Play Vex 2 for 30 minutes.
Complete the tutorial without touching any checkpoints.
Hold two or more keys at the same time.
Run a total of 5,000m.
Complete all acts to any standard.
Collect half of the hidden stars.
Achieve Perfect rank on any act.
Collect all of the hidden stars.
Get every act to minimum Gold rank.
Complete the Vexation to any standard.
Get every act to Perfect rank.
Medals Earned: 11/20 (55/235 points)
Complete Act 1 to any rank.
Complete Act 2 to any rank.
Complete Act 3 to any rank.
Complete Act 4 to any rank.
Complete Act 5 to any rank.
Complete Act 6 to any rank.
Complete Act 7 to any rank.
Complete Act 8 to any rank.
Get over 100 total deaths.
Surface from swimming with one bubble left.
Get crushed by a pushable block.
Complete Act 9 to any rank.
Hold 4 keys at one time.
Achieve Perfect on any act.
Play the game for over one hour.
Complete the Vexation to any rank.
Collect every star in the game.
Achieve Gold or better on every act.
Achieve Perfect on every act.
Beat every act in challenge mode.
Medals Earned: 4/10 (20/245 points)
Complete Act 1 with any rating.
Complete Act 2 with any rating.
Complete Act 3 with any rating.
Complete Act 4 with any rating.
Complete Act 5 with any rating.
Complete Act 6 with any rating.
Complete Act 7 with any rating.
Complete the final Act with any rating.
Achieve Gold in all 8 Acts!
Medals Earned: 4/33 (40/330 points)
Find the skeleton Trump
Find Trump shitting again
Find Trans Trump
Find the Trump on fire
Find the Mexican Hero "EL Chapulín colorado"
Trump is full of crap
The creation of Donald
Find the cactus
choose chauvinist pig
Fight mortal kombat
Find Zombie Trump
Choose Donald on Debate
Choose Kanye West on debate
Help the eagle desk
Find El Chapo
Let Freddy Krueger take care of the Donald
Watch Fucks News
Find Donald McDonald Trump
Find the shooting wall
Find Hitler Trump
Find the Homeless Trump
Choose the Trump´s trophie wife
Let Jason Voorhees take care of the Donald
Find Mister Universe
Find the Republican Party
Find the Chinesse Trump
Find the Charro Trump
Respect all religions, find Trump on Airport
Let the money rain for Duck Trump
Find the Wall
Find what´s under Trump hair
Throw Donald Trump into the Volcano
Choose woman right
Medals Earned: 3/6 (25/200 points)
Surpass Level 5
Use backspace and type your own number
Surpass Level 10
Surpass Level 25
Surpass Level 50
Surpass Level 100
Medals Earned: 4/16 (25/480 points)
Find your first clue.
Take a mugshot.
Complete the tutorial case.
Complete your first case!
Abandon a case
Have an unacceptable case failure rate.
Come across every trait type.
Visit every location on the Winkletown map.
Solve 5 cases without asking any questions...
Question 100 Winkles.
Successfully convict a Winkle of every body type.
Make a successful conviction on an unquestioned Winkle with 0 A.P remaining.
Have a total of at least 20 A.P at any one time.
Make an arrest that leads to a successful conviction within 15 seconds.
Inspect all Unique Winkles.
Obtain the final promotion.
Medals Earned: 6/6 (310/310 points)
You were literally roasted.
Secret handshakes are such a bummer.
Put some clothes on. No one wants to see that.
Well, that was disgusting.
You are officially a cannibal.
Please give me money. Please.